- A new concept, a new direction -

     Nowadays youth communicate freely without barriers or discrimination of any kind. At the same time, technologies have evolved much faster than people, which is why I believe it is imperative to prepare the current generation of young people for future challenges. The phrase youth is the future begins to sound obsolete and inappropriate in relation to the new developments of mankind, and therefore, it is necessary to start with a new way of thinking and to consider youth as the present who needs support now in order to have a future.
     With that in mind, 20 years ago I started working on the concept named “THIS IS OUR WAY”, a concept that I wish to implement in collaboration with the World Assembly of Youth. This concept is intended to improve the way people think, especially young people, giving hope for the future.

I.  What is required in order to reach this purpose?

a.  Stable jobs that would generate income proportional with one’s education and specialization, sufficient to cover one’s basic needs.
b.  Equal opportunities.
c.  Public institutions that would solve problems in an easy, fast and efficient manner.
d.  Free and uncensored access to quality information of public interest.
e.  Internet access.
f.  Friendly financial – banking activity, youth oriented.
g.  Implement politics/programs to encourage tourism with the purpose of providing youth with access to multicultural environments.
h.  Free circulation.
i.  Safety of life: feeling physically and emotionally safe.
j.  Family unity from a geographical perspective.
k.  Decent infrastructure for movement – walking, cycling and use of public transportation.
l.  Multicultural education.
m.  Spare time for relaxation, recovery and recreational activities.
n.  Respect for confidentiality and private life.
o.  Optimal conditions for a decent living at the place of birth including food, health, habitat and social protection.
p.  You should acknowledge, know and respect one’s rights and obligations.
q.  Implement politics/programs for monitoring and mitigating stress factors and social environment conditions.

II.  Positive consequences of decent living conditions for youth:

a.  Social involvement and increase in the level of social awareness and citizen participation.
b.  Youth’s involvement in decision making in political, communal and economic issues on a local, national and international level.
c.  Greater civic responsibility.
d.  Eliminate the reason for migration.
e.  Increase of labor force.
f.  Promote a dynamic economy by engaging youth in a favorable labor force.
g.  Promote local industry and products.
h.  Develop values and life principles.
i.  Reduce discrimination.

III.  We intend to create a leader mentality. And a leader mentality means…

a.  A stronger, resilient individual.
b.  Motivated perception of life and work.
c.  Increase self-esteem.
d.  Positive mental attitude.
e.  Role-model for others: public and private behavior.
f.  Empathetic and non-authoritarian values.
g.  Respecting and helping others through strong listening and communication skills.

IV.  In order to accomplish the above, I suggest the following institutions to be set up to coordinate and supervise the activity:

a.  World Youth Economical Agency.
b.  World Youth Bank.
c.  World Youth Trade Center.
d.  World Youth Settlement Center.
e.  World Youth Healthcare.

V.  Considering the complexity of THIS IS OUR WAY concept, we contemplate the following:

A.  Move the World Assembly of Youth (“WAY”) headquarters to Bucharest, Romania.

Reasons and positive effects for locating WAY in Bucharest, Romania:
a.  Romania is a member of the EU.
b.  Romania is a member of NATO.
c.  Romania recognizes and respects the international human rights.
d.  Romania is a permanent promoter of world peace and world balance.
e.  Romania is not in a conflict zone.
f.  Many foreign students have studied in Romania, and they are currently in different key positions in their home countries.
g.  Romania has a legislation that is currently in harmony with the European legislation.
h.  Romania has a continental-temperate climate, easy to bear.
i.  Romania has a Geo-strategic position.
j.  Romania has all geographic landforms.
k.  There are no major calamities in Romania.
l.  There are no ethnic conflicts.

B.  For a better global coordination of activities, WAY will open:

a.  Regional headquarters for Africa.
b.  Regional headquarters for North, South and Central America.
c.  Regional headquarters for the Middle East.
d.  Regional headquarters for the former Soviet countries.
e.  Regional headquarters for Asia.

C.  The construction of the “City of World Youth” in Otelu-Rosu:

1.  Location:  The preliminary studies show that the county of Caraş-Severin is the perfect location for the City of World Youth.
On this location, the following will be included:
•  World Assembly of Youth headquarters.
•  World Youth Economical Agency headquarters.
•  World Youth Bank headquarters.
•  World Youth Trade Center headquarters.
•  World Youth Settlement Center headquarters.
•  World Youth Healthcare headquarters.
•  FVD Global House SE headquarters.
•  Buildings for offices and other destinations.
•  Hotels.
•  A multifunctional hall for about 6-8,000 people.
•  Permanent exhibitions and showrooms for member countries.
•  University of Global Studies with 21 faculties and research centers.
•  Multidisciplinary healthcare center.
•  Opera and performance amphitheaters, movie centers, including open-space shows.
•  Tennis Academy.
•  Other sports centers.
•  Shopping center.
•  Cult establishment for all religions.
•  Recreational spaces.
•  Green spaces.
•  Bars and restaurants.
•  Residential complex.
•  Educational institutions.
•  Location for various service providers.
•  Media headquarters, such as TV, radio, press.
•  Infrastructure.
•  Access to and from the airport.

2.  Partners
a.  FVD Global House SA – to become FVD Global House SE.
b.  World Assembly of Youth.
c.  Romanian local authorities.
d.  FVD Foundation – in the process of being formed.

VI.  Positive effects for Romania regarding the location of WAY’s headquarters in Romania:

a.  Promote the image of Romania.
b.  Increase of international recognition, prestige and exposure for Romania.
c.  Easy access to international markets.
d.  Modern infrastructure.
e.  Tourism development.
f.  Facilitate cultural exchanges.
g.  Facilitate science exchanges.
h.  Creation of new jobs.
i.  WAY represents a social-political stability factor.
j.  Host multiple international entities part of WAY.
k.  WAY can be a determining factor in changing youth mentality.

VII.  Projects I propose:

1.  “City of World Youth” project in Otelu - Rosu.
2.  Urban development in the Sinai Peninsula.
3.  Red Sea – Dead Sea Water Conveyance Study Program.
4.  Construction of a tractor and agricultural machinery factory under Fiat license.
5.  Construction of a truck, bus and utility vehicles factory under IVECO license.
6.  Construction of factories for the processing and transformation of domestic waste into solid fuel (caloric blocks).
7.  Financing projects for agriculture, plantation of fruit trees and livestock farms.
8.  Construction of a Youth Resort in Poiana Marului, Muntele Mic, in Caras-Severin county.
9.  Development of Caransebeş airport, Caras-Severin county.
10.  Purchase of 13 Gulfstream aircrafts.
11.  Purchase of 26 Airbus aircrafts for passengers.
12.  Purchase of marine and river barges and tugboats.
13.  Build and/or modernize water pump stations for communities.
14.  Renewable energy projects.

VIII.  THIS IS OUR WAY concept includes the following:

Science and technology, culture, peace and security, global actions, planet and climate, prosperity and correctness, health and well-being


1. Youth should grow-up and study in decent conditions in their home countries.
2. Youth should have good living conditions for building their future in their home countries.
3. Youth should NEVER be forced to leave or run away from their home countries to save their lives or to have better living conditions.
4. Youth should have all the necessary means to travel abroad as well-intended tourists.
© 2022 - Francisc von Dokonal